I've had these words on my mind for the past few days and I hope that I can express them as deeply as I feel them.
When the news came that school would be suspended for the rest of this year, my heart sank, my gut felt sick and my eyes welled with tears. I felt such disappointment; not so much for my kindergartner or my 2nd grader, but for anyone who is in a transition year right now. To the 5th graders, 8th graders and High School Seniors, my heart aches for you. There were experiences you were waiting for, things you were so much anticipating and now those things will not be happening and for that I am so sorry. I wanted you to have them! I wanted them to be part of your story. 20 years from now I wanted you to look back and smile because you remember how fantastic these days were.
But here's the thing..I don't want you to get stuck here. Getting stuck in disappointment will rob you of so much more than this loss every will. Can I ask you to consider that there is still some GOOD in your days? Can I ask you to consider that even though you lost some opportunities, you haven't lost EVERYTHING. Can I ask you to consider that even if we can't celebrate as big as we'd like, this is STILL a very exciting time for you and there are people who are very much excited for your future and are cheering you on like crazy? All is not LOST, I promise!
You see, life is not just one single event or a single memory of a single year. Yes, our culture tends to emphasize the importance of certain events, especially in High School, but really; life is a series of memories and events - good and bad!
So here's where I'm at. Do I want to act like the disappointment isn't real and just move on? By NO means! Feelings are real and they should be felt and acknowledged and understood. I pray that each of you has a person in your life who gets how you feel. If you don't, connect with me; I'll listen. But please don't set up camp in anger and disappointment and stay there. You are far too talented and far too accomplished to throw all the hard work you've put in away because it didn't end the way you were expecting.
You will move forward with your plans! You will do great things! You will make it through this even with a disappointed heart. You are Brave! You are Strong! You CAN do this!
I know you have it in you to walk through this time with your heads held high; full of excitement for everything you've done and everything you're getting ready to do.
Last thing...don't forget about each other. One of the best ways to bring joy back into any situation is by banding together and celebrating! You are one of the most creative and connected generations this world has ever seen. Let your voice of encouragement for EACH OTHER be louder than the voice of disappointment. Show the world who you are!
Congratulations to every single one of you, I cannot wait to see which paths you continue on!
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