I want Raw Emotion + Dramatic Scenery
Let's go to the hill! My favorite sunset hill, that is!
You guys...I freaking LOVE this spot. Why?
UHHHHH have you seen that sun hitting the horizon? 😍
I have been photographing at this particular spot for the past 3 years now and never have I ever had the same experience. Sometimes the sky is clear with only a big bright light source and sometimes it's 100% cloud coverage. My favorite nights are the ones when there are chunky clouds in the sky, giving the sun some nice definition as it peeks it's bright rays around each ball of fluff. This particular night, we had these nice hazy clouds. These nights are nice because they diffuse the light, kind of like a screen, giving you a nice outline of the sun as it slips down below the horizon. This is my favorite part of the sunset because as it does this, it casts all kinds of beautiful colors across the sky like a pallet of watercolors. The hazy clouds act like brush strokes. It's absolutely breathtaking.
Now, go ahead and add a beautiful mom-to-be at 32 weeks pregnant, cradling her baby bump and dreaming of the day she gets to hold her sweet babe in her arms and you have PURE MAGIC!
Every image we took this night was full of beautiful light and raw emotion.
These images will forever provide this momma with the irreplaceable memory of the time she carried her child in her body. Every time she sees them she will remember exactly how she felt; the joy and the anticipation. What a great way to hang on to such feelings!
I'd love to do the same for you and your family! Connect with me today to schedule a consult and we can discuss all you had imagined.
Talk soon!
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