I am a wife, a non-essential business owner and I have two kiddos. Like many moms and dads, I have been busy putting together worksheets, printing coloring pages, scheduling online classes, making three nutritious meals a day + snacks, boosting everyone’s immune systems and, ya know... trying to keep a pulse on my business. Simple, right? No big deal, I’ve got this. Oh wait, I forgot…can you hear it? Everything is SOOOO FLIPPING LOOOUUUD right now; I feel like I’m being yelled at all day long! 🙉 Wash your hands! Social Distancing! Everything is cancelled! 50 activities you NEED to successfully Home school your kids! Boost your immune system! Be a good spouse! And for the love of god, WHERE IN THE WORLD IS ALL THE TOILET PAPER?????? All of it…all at once…for the past few weeks or so…on FULL VOLUME! 📢📢📢 I can't... I just can't! 😩😩 Guys, we FEED off each other. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs with very little thought or effo...
Sharon Caudle - Portrait Photographer in Crystal Lake, IL
High School Seniors,
Professional Headshots,
Events & Weddings